Automation Updates πŸŽ‰

Find out what the team has been doing for the past month:

Fresh new automations πŸ§‘β€πŸš€

We also released Extract Amazon Product Reviews and Extract Shopify Products.

Fresh new templates πŸ§‘β€πŸš€

Improvements πŸ› οΈ

  • Inputs validity now checks if the integration API endpoint requires "at least one of a list of fields"
  • Search Google Maps: added search from new countries: Canada, India and Thailand
  • More flexible way to catch error messages from integration API endpoints 

Fixes πŸ› οΈ

  • LinkedIn People Profile: endpoint changed, number of connections, degree name
  • Indeed Job Search: de-duplicate process
  • SerpWow Search: "shopping" search type in now correctly working
  • Extract Instagram Posts: stability fixed
  • Trusted shop reviews: now working
  • Website Scraper: input correctly at "failed" if no results 
  • Instagram Public Page: correct "category" saved

As always, feel free to add and vote for new ideas in our public roadmap here.

See you soon!
Captain Data Team